Goat Butcher: fur torching method

Описание к видео Goat Butcher: fur torching method

Every once in while, my father likes to drag me along to slaughter and butcher a goat. Not something I necessarily enjoy, but he loves to keep his freezer stocked with goat meat throughout the year and I am the only on out of all my siblings who is willing to assist him. My dad is no goat butchering expert! I always watch him and wonder if there are better ways to butcher a goat. None the less, its good bonding time between father and son. My father is Hmong and Hmong people (or at least from what I have seen) prefer to torch the fur on the animal instead of skinning it. I know that this is not the most popular method, but it is the Hmong way. Enjoy the video and leave a comment down below for any tips or advice!


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