邪惡淋醬爆餡雞蛋仔!!/Hong Kong's Great Invention- Egg Shaped Waffles!/台灣美食-羅東夜市波波食堂雞蛋仔/Taiwanese street food

Описание к видео 邪惡淋醬爆餡雞蛋仔!!/Hong Kong's Great Invention- Egg Shaped Waffles!/台灣美食-羅東夜市波波食堂雞蛋仔/Taiwanese street food

#建議2倍速觀賞 #雞蛋仔 #羅東夜市 #台灣街頭美食
三星蔥鴨賞口味也太。好。吃。了!! 巧克力麻糬+淋醬完全是邪惡甜點啊~~~
雞蛋仔小歷史- 五十年代的香港雜貨店為免浪費破裂的雞蛋,於是把麵粉和牛油加入蛋漿後倒進雞蛋狀的模具用炭火烘烤,揚名亞洲的美食小吃「雞蛋仔」就此誕生!
Egg shaped cakes were invented in Hong Kong in 1950s. To save the broken eggs from food waste, groceries stores added flour and butter into the eggs and baked it in egg shaped mold. It's now a very popular snack in Asia!

【波波食堂雞蛋仔】 Location 位置

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