Song of the Crusade of King Saint Louis IX

Описание к видео Song of the Crusade of King Saint Louis IX

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The noble king has called aright
every brave man and valiant knight
His voice rings out, solemn and slow
"Who will succeed me where I go?"

The ardent knights on bended knee,
made vows of Faith and loyalty.
Those with more prudence dared to guess,
where their good king would soon process

The Duke of Baume first gave his word:
"For this great land I'll wield my sword."
Said the great king, "This lacks wisdom.
We must save all of Christendom."

Then next came forth the good Guillaume:
"I will defend our Christian home...
...But I would count the price too steep,
to now sow death upon the deep."

"Ah!" Says the king, "Our great campaign
leads us to Africa again,...
In this vast desert pay the price,
for Him Who once did sacrifice."

And now Saint Louis, great in deed,
with him the valiant did succeed.
Far far away their triumphs shine,
in this great combat most divine!


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