Viking invasion of Andalusia (Emirate of Cordoba)

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Viking invasion of Andalusia (Southern Spain & Portugal)

In 9th century rose powerful viking, explorer, warrior & trader.
in the east, viking became trader (Rus') with the Abassid Caliphate or mercenary (Varagians) to the eastern Romans.
in the west they notoriously known as savage raiders, great warriors and explorers. a threat to many kingdoms in western europe.
Southern Iberia was a targeted by Vikings, as many wealthy cities scattered in Andalusia.
after sacked coastal France & England viking moves toward Iberian peninsula and small party raided Cantabria (northern spain) but were repelled by asturian forces in early 844.

August 844
Viking fleet of 80 Dragon ship/Longship and 16.000 men took Lishbuna (Lisbon) and occupied it for 13 days, Lisbon defender finally able to drove off the vikings and re-capture Lisbon.
Viking raider then sailed southern Iberia raiding Cadiz (Qādis), Medina Sidonia and Algeciras (Al-Jazīra).

25 September 844 / 11 Zulhijja 229
Viking fleet arrived at southern spain, traversing Gudalquivir river (Oued El-Kebir).
They erected their base at Island on the Isla Menor.
Local andalusian garrison try to drove off the vikings but get defeated.

October 844
Vikings forces besiege Seville (Isbīliya) and took it by storm, as only the Citadel of the cty protected by wall.
Following the fall of Seville, Andalusian army under Isa ibn Suhayd marching toward Viking in Seville.
Two forces clashes, Vikings were defeated and most of their ship was burn by Greek Fire. 30 out of 80 viking ship were destroyed, hundred viking raiders were slayed and 400 viking were captured/surrendered.
Remaining viking retreated and pursued by Andalusian fleet.
they raid briefly in coastal Algarve (Al-Gharb) before sailing northward.
Andalusian Emir Abd Ar-Rahman II ordered new measure to deter further viking raid by building naval arsenal (Dar Al-Sina'a) in Seville to strengthen his navy.
This measure proved effective to counter Viking raids in 859 and 966 and capture Balearic Island in 902.

In 845, emirate send andalusian ambassador named Yahyâ ibn-al-Hakam al-Bakrî (nicknamed Al-Ghazâl) from Jaén (Yayyan) to Viking court of King Hårek (Horik/Hägar) of Hleiðra (Denmark) to make peace with the Viking (Danes) following their defeat at Sevilla.

Viking raider sacked & occupy Paris in 845, England was invaded by Great Heathen Army in 865, and 911 establish permanently in
northern france (Normandy) refering themselves as Normans (nordmann/northmen) and later became Francizied

Music :
Ancestor Legacy OST by Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz
Battlefield 1 OST by Patrik Andrén & Johan Söderqvist


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