Goldrop Vortex Spinner vs Nome beach sand

Описание к видео Goldrop Vortex Spinner vs Nome beach sand

A Bering Sea gold miner stopped by my shop to purchase a Vortex Spinner for his Goldrop. He also brought by two half full coffee cans of concentrates from his dredging operation previously processed through his Goldrop. He brought them to justify his purchase of the Vortex Spinner. We processed his cons through Goldrop classified +35, +100 and -100 mesh using the Vortex Spinner and extracted an estimated 1 ounce of flour gold more from his cons. He was excited to see that and bought the Vortex Spinner for his Goldrop! He also brought me a 4 lb. bag of Nome beach sand to see what gold could be extracted using Goldrop Vortex Spinner. This is a video of my processing Nome beach sand and extracting an amazing amount of gold justifying my continued research to improving Goldrop performance. The creation of the Vortex Spinner came from research to scale Goldrop larger for greater volume capacity without sacrificing efficiency of gold extraction. The Goldrop Tower is being created from this research!


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