RODEL NAVAL, the Total Performer

Описание к видео RODEL NAVAL, the Total Performer

June 11, 1995 was the day you met your Saviour, Jesus Christ. February 16, 1953 was the day of your physical birth. Both these days are days of jubilance to us. Your physical birth is what we need to embrace, celebrate, and hold precious. Life is a brief pilgrimage and what remains of our influence is seen through the thorns we've shed or roses we've planted that are remembered and cherished, or quickly disposed of. At the age of 17, you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You often marvelled at the faithfulness and mercy of God who never abandoned you even when you chose to willfully walk away. You understood that God loves you so much that He had waited for you to comeback ... and you did. You felt strongly privileged to be forewarned of your death and have the gift of time to restore your relationship with God, through our Lord, Jesus. In the midst of your battle with your illness, you found a place of peace, where you no longer feared death and had the Blessed Assurance that your suffering would end and would meet your Savior when you leave us. Though we miss you, that Blessed Assurance gives us joy and wholeheartedly believe that you are now with our Lord, Jesus, the Christ. Great Is Thy Faithfulness ... indeed!

Matthew 7: 21 -- “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Jeremiah 17:9-10 -- "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? "I, the LORD, search the heart ... "

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Rodel’s songs are available at iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, and other streaming media worldwide. Rodel’s book titled The Life of Rodel Naval – Restored Identity, 2-hour video in 2 DVDs titled the Miracle Concert, and CD titled Lumayo Ka Man (10 Tagalog songs and 8 English songs) may be purchased online at, or contact us by email – [email protected]. Thank you for watching.
© Delia Naval Contreras


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