Quick and Easy lamb kebabs Recipe

Описание к видео Quick and Easy lamb kebabs Recipe

#Lambkofta #easykofata #spicykofta #koftarecipe #shishkebab #lambmeatball #kebab #streetfood #Gregkitchenkofta #kofta kebab #how to make kofta kebab #egyptian kofta recipe #mutton kofta curry recipe #GREGKITCHEN
hi Guys
Here is the secret to the perfect lamb kofta or kebab cook at home. Welcom to Proper Food episode check out the ingenious way I make my lamb kofta, perfect every single time. please check out my other recipes videos and hit that subscribe button if you enjoy. make sure to give it a thumbs 👍 up and leave a comment down below as I love to hear your feedback to help me in improve my channel.


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