Twin Flames 🔥 How the Divine Masculine is Feeling For You and Current Energies Channeling

Описание к видео Twin Flames 🔥 How the Divine Masculine is Feeling For You and Current Energies Channeling

Hi folks I received this Channeling from the masculine collective through one person in the late evening to night time today and I'm presenting it to you. I spoke to a white make masculine around 30-35 years old in his home clothes hoody and tracks. Listen carefully to how he feels he wants to come to you in person and how he shows his blocks as well. I urge you all feminines to complete the work for him please. In that way you are completing the work for you as well. Listen very carefully.

Donations are appreciated
-Or directly use email [email protected] on PayPal

Personal readings:
Twin channeling 88
Twin plus confirmation therewithin channeling 99
Past life with twin 120
Past life with others 129
Inner work list 20

Same PayPal link as above and story thus far at [email protected]

Other Services:
Sacral sexual clearing 245
Matriarchal healing 120
Feminine anima healing 130
Decadron continent country background template healing 299
DNA build up 200
DNA clearing 250
Genetic code empowerment and look into channeling 110
Heart trauma clearing 158
Trauma and trigger clearing 188
DNA template merge blocks for both twins 192
Family healing 158
Ancestral healing 188
Decadron healing continent country background 299
Past wound clearing on twin energy 200
Past life completions on twin 316
Trauma and trigger session on twin 188
Past life closing ceremonial clean up 178
DNA repair of template on twin 212
DNA repair at cellular level healing 222
DNA merge after full clean up and testing for remanent patterns still existent 300
Pink light build up 70
Pink compassion further build up 120
Masculine energy build up in twin 120
Soft mound of energy in twin 140
Society programming removal on twin
Consolidation and energy clearing on twin 200
Further build up on twin 140
Vatsalya build up on both 300
Chakra cleaning on twin 199
Chakra cleaning on you 115
DNA cleaning on both 300
Codependency removal by feminine anima healing 120
Karmic resolution clearing on twins 200
Removal of religious programming 150
Family healing on twin 158
Ancestral healing on twin 188
Matriarch healing on twin 120
Patriarch healing on twin 129
Sacral sexual blocks removal and healing on twin 245
Pink light compassion 70
Past life healing of soul contracts 200
Healing across realms of continents 250

Please buy yourself single(one) or more services.
To get packages email me.


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