Viktor Kalinnikov - "Svete tihiy"

Описание к видео Viktor Kalinnikov - "Svete tihiy"

Sacramento State 'University Chorale'
Dr. Andrew Kreckmann, conductor

Viktor Kalinnikov | Svete tihiy (Gladsome Light)

Svete tihiy sviatïya slavï Bezsmertnago
Ottsa Nebesnago, Sviatago, Blazhennago, Iisuse Hriste!
Prishedshe na zapad solntsa,
videvshe svet vecherniy,
poyem Ottsa, Sïna i Sviatago Duha, Boga. Dostoin yesi vo fsia vremena
pet bïti glasï prepodobnïmi;
Sïne Bozhïy, zhïvot dayay,
temzhe mir Tia slavit.

Gladsome Light of the holy glory of the Immortal One —
the Heavenly Father, holy and blessed — O Jesus Christ!
Now that we have come to the setting of the sun, and behold the light of evening,
we praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — God. Thou art worthy at every moment
to be praised in hymns by reverent voices. O Son of God, Thou art the Giver of Life; therefore all the world glorifies Thee.

Carol Concert
Saturday, December 3, 2022 @ 7pm
St. John's Lutheran Church
Sacramento, California


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