Dont worry, its not a mid-life crisis...just molting season 🐓✨

Описание к видео Dont worry, its not a mid-life crisis...just molting season 🐓✨

I am absolutely thrilled to share with you the fascinating world of molting chickens! This natural process is essential for our feathered friends as they shed their old, worn-out feathers and grow new ones. During this time, their bodies divert energy from egg production to feather growth, so it's important to provide them with a balanced diet rich in protein to support their molt. Watching their transformation is truly mesmerizing as they reveal vibrant new plumage and regain their sleek appearance. While some chickens may appear a bit scruffy during this time, it's all part of the beautiful cycle of renewal. So grab your camera and prepare to be amazed by the stunning sight of your molting chickens strutting around in all their glory!


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