廣州到深圳最平交通攻略!只要26元!福田人氣商場!物價直逼香港!太誇張了!湯河粉65元!?貴到嚇死人!午餐炸豬扒飯!烤活鰻魚壽司!連食兩家!網紅店!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州到深圳最平交通攻略!只要26元!福田人氣商場!物價直逼香港!太誇張了!湯河粉65元!?貴到嚇死人!午餐炸豬扒飯!烤活鰻魚壽司!連食兩家!網紅店!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#深圳 #物價 #交通

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/RMi9us6eVDQ2T...
餐廳消費:海蝦天婦羅TACO ¥23,厚燒現烤活鰻TACO ¥26,黑豚雪花炸豬扒 ¥43
深圳大劇院位於廣東省深圳市羅湖區,深南中路和紅嶺中路的交匯處,是深圳特區建立之初政府投資興建的「八大文化設施」之一。 1984年開始投資興建,1989年正式投入使用。 1992年創辦了“深圳大劇院藝術節”,有較大影響。 2004年,大劇院進行了消防、供電、空調、給排水和智慧化等方面進行設備改造和更新,並對室內外環境進行全面整合。 2006年3月22日恢復演出活動。截止2009年底,大劇院共接待演出團體逾千個,演出1650場,觀眾百萬人次。

Shenzhen Grand Theater is located in Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, at the intersection of Shennan Middle Road and Hongling Middle Road. It is one of the "eight major cultural facilities" invested and built by the government at the beginning of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Investment and construction began in 1984 and it was officially put into use in 1989. In 1992, the "Shenzhen Grand Theater Art Festival" was founded, which had a great influence. In 2004, the Grand Theater carried out equipment transformation and updating in terms of fire protection, power supply and distribution, air conditioning, water supply and drainage, and intelligence, and fully integrated the indoor and outdoor environment. Performance activities resumed on March 22, 2006. By the end of 2009, the Grand Theater had received more than a thousand performance groups, 1,650 performances, and millions of audiences.
The exterior of the theater is all glass curtain walls, shaped like a square box, with theaters, concert halls, cultural exhibition halls, restaurants, dance halls, underground commercial streets, etc.


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00:00 Intro
00:38 晨早出發前往深圳/26.80元一位?
04:07 越秀公園正門上車/是否低價陷阱?
10:48 比想像中好/兩小時三十分終於抵達深圳
14:44 卓悅中心/福田人氣商場/極上和牛放題299/位
25:12 多米山手工藝日料(卓悅中心)/讀餐牌時間
27:58 海蝦天婦羅TACO/厚燒現烤活鰻TACO/黑豚雪花炸豬扒
35:29 午市時段/餐廳火熱要排隊
42:43 人氣飲品/貴過車票T_T
44:56 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #china food tour #guangzhou food vlog #深圳 #廣州 #交通 #交通攻略 #福田 #人氣商場 #商場 #物價 #湯河粉 #炸豬扒飯 #午餐 #壽司 #網紅店 #卓悅中心 #海蝦天婦羅 #排隊美食 #大劇院 #grand tour china food #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour vlog #china tour 2024


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