TNO Nation Anthems: Black League of Omsk / Chernaya Liga (Sacred War/Sviaschennaya Voyna)

Описание к видео TNO Nation Anthems: Black League of Omsk / Chernaya Liga (Sacred War/Sviaschennaya Voyna)

Anthem of the Chernaya Liga, starting in Western Siberia, under the rule of Dmitry Karbyshev and later Dmitry Yazov from the mod "The New Order" in Hearts of Iron 4.

Arise, you mighty motherland
Arise for Sacred War
To crush the evil fascist hordes
Unite and drive them back!

Chorus: (2x)
And noble anger leads us
To victory against the fascist scum
Arise, our mighty land
Arise for Sacred War!

The black fascist wings of death
Shadowed our sacred land
But her spacious fields and streams
They never shall defile


Behold, fascist insanity
You now face your doom
The plague of humanity
Shall be driven to its tomb!

Chorus (2x)


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