【グルテンフリー】米粉とアレで!簡単なのに美味しいアメリカンクッキーの作り方 How to make delicious American cookies Rice flour

Описание к видео 【グルテンフリー】米粉とアレで!簡単なのに美味しいアメリカンクッキーの作り方 How to make delicious American cookies Rice flour



きび砂糖 50g
ベーキングパウダー 2g
マヨネーズ 40g
米粉  80g
牛乳  10〜15cc
チョコレート 50g


⑦ 1.5cmになるようにつぶし、トッピング用に置いておいた3分の1のチョコレートを表面にのせて崩れた生地は寄せて丸く整える。
⑧ 180度に予熱したオーブンで15分焼く。

   • 【ついに完成‼︎】コスパ◎でちゃんと美味しいチューイーなアメリカンクッキー...  


Thank you for watching.

I arranged the recipe for American cookies without butter and eggs that I posted before in a rice flour version.

The light texture of rice flour, chocolate, and the richness of mayonnaise are also added, making it a delicious taste that you can't stop eating one.

I recommend plenty of chocolate, but please try it with your favorite ingredients!

After baking, the dough will become soft over time, so please store it in the refrigerator.

[Recipe] 5 to 6 sheets

50g of cane sugar

Baking powder 2g

Mayonnaise 40g

80g of rice flour

Milk 10~15cc

Chocolate 50g

※Mayonnaise is normal, or egg care without eggs is recommended.

Types such as half calories may change the finish completely.

1 Chop the chocolate roughly.

2 Put the sugar and baking powder in a bowl and mix well.

3 Add mayonnaise and match.

4 Moisturize the whole thing while mixing it with rice flour and pressing it.

5 Add a little milk until the dough is lightly put together.

Mix two-thirds of the 6 chopped chocolate and divide it into 5 equal or 6 equal parts and lightly round each. Arrange the cooking sheets at intervals.

7 Crush it so that it is 1.5 cm, put one-third of the chocolate left for toppings on the surface, and put the crumbled dough together and arrange it round.

8 Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Store in the refrigerator after it cools down.



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