बुरी आदत कैसे छोड़े | Break Bad Habits with Habit Reversal Therapy | HRT | Dr Ravinder Puri

Описание к видео बुरी आदत कैसे छोड़े | Break Bad Habits with Habit Reversal Therapy | HRT | Dr Ravinder Puri

#HabitReversalTherapy #PhoneAddiction #ravinderpuri #PornAddiction #Trichotillomania #SkinPickingDisorder #QuitSmoking #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ocd #AddictionRecovery
बुरी आदत कैसे छोड़े | Break Bad Habits with Habit Reversal Therapy | HRT | Dr Ravinder Puri
Do you know what is the best treatment for phone addiction, porn addiction, trichotillomania, skin picking,smocking ,OCD, this is habit reversal therapy.
Dr Ravinder Puri explains:
• बुरी आदतें जीवन के कई पहलुओं को नुकसान पहुँचाती हैं।
• मनोविज्ञान, विशेषकर Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT), इन आदतों को बदलने में मदद करती है।
• HRT "Reminder-Routine-Reward" चक्र को तोड़कर काम करती है, जिसमें जागरूकता प्रशिक्षण पहला कदम है।
• हैबिट रिवर्सल थेरेपी में पहले बुरी आदत के संकेत पहचानें, फिर उस संकेत पर नई आदत अपनाएँ (जैसे, तनाव पर नाखून चबाने की जगह मुट्ठी बंद-खोलना)।
• तीसरा, सफलता पर खुद को पुरस्कृत करें।
• चौथा, इस विधि को अन्य आदतों पर लागू करें।
• अंत में, खुद की एक सकारात्मक छवि बनाएँ।
• यह प्रक्रिया आदतों को बदलने और व्यक्तित्व को बदलने में मदद करती है।
Psychologist Dr Ravinder Puri is answering the frequently asked questions on the topics mentioned below :
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#BehaviorTherapy #MentalHealthSupport #PositiveChange
#DigitalDetox #ScreenTimeControl #HealthyHabits
#OvercomeAddiction #MentalHealthMatters
#TrichotillomaniaRecovery #HairPullingAwareness #MentalHealthSupport
#DermatillomaniaSupport #SelfCareJourney
#SmokeFreeLife #OCDRecovery #MentalHealthAwareness
This video is created to raise awareness about mental health and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not professional advice, a recommendation, or a substitute for expert guidance. This video is not a substitute for professional therapy and viewers should consult a mental health professional. Always consult qualified professionals, such as doctors, psychologists, counselors, or therapists, for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The information provided does not replace professional medical advice or therapy and is shared "as is" without guarantees of accuracy or effectiveness. It is not intended to harm, defame, or offend any individual, group, or entity. Viewers who apply the ideas presented do so at their own discretion and responsibility. Dr. Ravinder Puri and this channel are not liable for any outcomes from actions based on this video. This video is not intended to spread rumors, hurt sentiments, or damage reputations. We apologize for any unintentional harm caused. The content aims to supplement ongoing treatment and improve mental health awareness but should not replace professional guidance. Viewers should not discontinue treatment without consulting their healthcare providers. This channel does not promote specific products, medications, or unscientific practices. It is created solely for public interest and to enhance mental health education.


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