Star Wars Battlefront - Clone Wars Campaign (Xbox 360)

Описание к видео Star Wars Battlefront - Clone Wars Campaign (Xbox 360)

This is the entire Clone Wars Campaign from Battlefront 1. It ended up being too short per battle for me to feel it was worth uploading individually, so I just decided to put out the whole thing. There's a handy dandy tutorial video that explains the basics of the gameplay in the beginning so I'll skip going over all that.

For the first few battles we play as the Separatist Forces, or the CIS as they're more commonly referred to. This means we get to play as the doofy, totally kid friendly and marketable battle droids. Our first battle is against the Gungan forces on Naboo. The Gungan's are unique in that they don't have any GUNS. Kind of an oversight. As a result, they only attack by lobbing grenades at you. Unlike most grenades in the game however, they explode on impact. The result is that the enemies are likely to miss, but if they do hit you you're going to friggin' explode. There's also a force field covering the whole area you'll have to push past, or the Gungans can use it as a massive shield. Also, the first two battles in this campaign are the only times you'll have access to the standard battle droid. They get replaced with Super Battle Droids once we reach Kashyyyk.

For the second battle, we're fighting in the city of Naboo. Here we fight more unique enemy types, the Royal Guard. They're essentially reskinned Rebel Forces and they have some vehicles they can use on the map, which can pretty much one shot you. Unless perhaps if you're playing as the newest addition to the CIS forces, the Droideka. Droideka's are my favorite of the CIS forces. They can roll around at high speeds, bring up a shield to make them invulnerable, and their guns are some of the most damaging in the entire game. The only down side is they're a bit unwieldy and you can't cover much ground at all if you're not in ball form. Still, very effective and virtually indestructible if you get the hang of them.

For the third and final battle as the CIS, we face off against a bunch of wookies. As previously mentioned, the Super Battle Droid replaces the regular Battle Droid. Super has a wrist rocket as opposed to a grenade and a different alt fire that works as a shotgun. Pretty good honestly. The Wookies are sporting crossbows, bazookas, and that's kind of it. This means there's a LOT of enemies with bazookas so you can die pretty damn fast.

After that we switch sides to the Clone Troopers at Geonosis and stay as them for the remainder of the campaign. The Clone Troopers has all the basic classes the CIS did, minus the Droideka. Each force has a special class and the Droideka is the CIS's so only they get those. There are some minor differences between the regular classes but they ultimately all still function the same. At Geonosis we have to fight all the droids we used before and the exclusive Geonosian's that fly around the map. You can take a ship and go blow up some ships at the north side of the map if you want, but the AI does a good job of destroying them on their own over time. And if you haven't noticed by now, you're more likely to win battles by draining the enemy troops rather than taking over all the command posts.

Next up is Kamino, one of my favorite locals in the Star Wars universe. Here we gain access to the Jet Trooper. Jet Troopers have a jetpack and can use it to fly or hover for a limited time. That's fine and dandy, but their main weapon is like a weaker bazooka that doesn't have splash damage. So you have to be really damn precise. And the AI aren't players, so you being in the air really only makes you EASIER to be hit by them. So in he end the best advantage the Jet Troopers have is that they have a whopping 6 grenades. So you can have some fun just bombarding from on high if nothing else. And naturally, flying around is still just damn fun.

Next up is a battlefield called Rhen Var. I think it was made up just this game. Then again with how expanded the Star Wars expanded universe is, probably not. The CIS have a pretty solid defense set up inside the forts so it's kind of hard to get in on them. But you can take advantage of the nearby vehicles and go to town on the troops stupid enough to run out in the open. Or have vehicle fights with the enemy. Or see if you can take the enemy's vehicle and reek havoc that way. And if you'd prefer to fight on foot, there's an ice tunnel you can use to get past a lot of the vehicles.

And then the final battle we have is Kashyyk. This is just a big, fairly open battle. If you like to snipe you can have a real field day here atop the huts where we have two spawn points right at the beginning. It's ideal to hang back because the CIS have a lot of vehicles and are very likely to blow you away if you try to push in on them too far on your own. Your allies don't have many vehicles to push up with so this is more of a defensive battle for you.


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