Alberta invokes sovereignty act over federal clean electricity regulations – November 27, 2023

Описание к видео Alberta invokes sovereignty act over federal clean electricity regulations – November 27, 2023

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith speaks with reporters in Edmonton about her government’s decision to use its sovereignty act in response to the federal government’s proposed clean electricity regulations. Alberta opposes the federal target date of 2035 to achieve a net-zero electricity grid, arguing that a 2050 date is more achievable. This marks the first time that the Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act will be invoked since it was passed in December 2022. The act allows the province to ignore overturn federal laws or regulations that it deems harmful to Alberta or to be encroaching on provincial jurisdiction. The premier is joined at the news conference by provincial ministers Rebecca Schulz (environment) and Nathan Neudorf (affordability and utilities).


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