SBW FIT 💪🏽 Week 3 of 6 week strength block

Описание к видео SBW FIT 💪🏽 Week 3 of 6 week strength block


I have been doing 4 strength sessions a week two lower and two upper, with a finisher (10-20 cardio) hit at the end of each session.

This is the 1st Lower body session of the week, main lift squats - main focus of session TEMPO (4second down 1 sec up) which gives us time under tension for them gains!

SQUATS - 5sets x 8reps
tempo 4sec down 1sec up
Rest 180sec

Accessory super set
A - Bulgarian single leg squat 3x10 reps
B - poliquin single leg DB step up 3x20 reps
C - single leg hammy hold 3x40 sec holds
D - seated good morning 3x10 reps

The finisher - cardio 10-20min high intensity (today I hit the heavy bag for 6x3min 30sec off)

Good luck team



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