Women stitching their dreams into reality! | Youth Veerangnayen | Empowering & Inspiring women

Описание к видео Women stitching their dreams into reality! | Youth Veerangnayen | Empowering & Inspiring women

Yet another successful chapter of training women in vocational skills came to a close recently in Hanumangarh, Rajasthan and we could not be more delighted. We have successfully trained 32 more women in stitching and 17 women in beauty and make-up.

Our volunteers organized a felicitation ceremony to recognise the grit and determination of these girls & women to break free from their current circumstances. All women were presented certifications of completion and their creations were also displayed. Not only this, but the occasion was graced by several dignitaries who motivated the women and lauded the efforts of Youth Veerangnayen volunteers.

The event also included several performances and games, which made the celebration even more colorful!


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