One Boss A Day || Day 365 "Cuphead DLC - Chef Saltbaker"

Описание к видео One Boss A Day || Day 365 "Cuphead DLC - Chef Saltbaker"

One boss a day just can't quit.

"Whether I die today or tomorrow, whether I'm already dead, it doesn't matter to me."

It's a phrase that I made (probably not, but that's the story I'm going with) ever since I was young and I still believe it to this day. Not a healthy mindset that many people could life with or should life with, but it just helps me sleep at night.

I started this series a year ago now because I thought it would be a good idea and a cool way to look back on my own no-commentary gameplay and documented life when I'm older. That reason didn't last long as my motivation quickly dwindled after spending hours waiting for VCDC to open up to spend more and more hours splitting and parsing my Cuphead footage (because I didn't know about ripple cutting or really anything about editing back then) just for a 4 minute video that was mainly consisting of my failures.

Speaking of my failures, I also thought it would be a great idea to show my failures since no one on YouTube (especially when it comes to gameplay and even more specific, in boss only gameplay; everything has to be a perfect run, first try, or no hit nowadays so I thought I'd show the other side) and in life too, really does that. People aren't magically able to take on challenges, they fail and learn. Some more then others (me), but this hidden aspect of life is never really emphasized or talked about. This past year, I have failed so much more then I have succeeded whether that be in fighting video game bosses, battling my own inner-demons, my romantic life, my relationships with friends and family, socially, university coursework, or even my career prospects, but who cares if I succeed in the end? It's important to fail and it's okay to be worse at things then others. To me what is never acceptable is to not try when you want to do something and refusal to learn. If you quit and decide it's not for you or realize it's not something you can do, fine. But what excuse is there to not try and fail?

Anyway back to my reasoning for doing this series. My initial reasoning wasn't going to cut it if I wanted the series to get to where I wanted it to be (a really big number of days), so I took a break around after 20 days to reassess why I was doing it (and because I was midst a semester in school and other stress reasons). The series was originally going to be named One Boss Every Day, but that's not really true (if you didn't already know, I don't literally fight a video game boss every day) and it would put unnecessary pressure on myself the longer the series went. Over that break, I realized what the series could symbolize for me. My own battle against my inner-demons and also just to mark my progress in life.

I have a lot of issues that I am now addressing and will be addressing for a long time. To symbolize them as bosses that I challenge a day at a time gave me all the motivation I needed and now we're here. That's how One Boss A Day started. And it'll end when I've beaten all my demons or run out of time to post videos (though I doubt that'll really ever happen). It may never garner me a large amount of views, but it's a fight I've have to take (because I can't ask for help and I have the need to take on everything by myself; oh so masculine). It's already helped me gain some closure, but I've got a long way to go.

It also maintains my reason for doing YouTube in the first place, for selfish reasons. I've never cared about making people laugh or conforming to norms or mainstream topics or talking about drama or making content for the purpose of garnering views or even simply being entertaining. I started for views and money, but now I realize it's a pipedream and I'm not willing to do what it takes to get to the top (my morals and values are always first in life). So then I started to post for fun and it's become a lot more enjoyable. In this next year, I should make nearly double if not triple the amount of actual videos (so counting everything but this series) I made last year (that's the pace I'm on already). Everything I do on this channel will always be because I want to make it.

This series has also gone a long way structure wise, but I'm running out of words to say that in this description so I won't.

Now that that's out of the way, regarding the boss and Cuphead. I thought it'd be a great idea to end the year of bosses how I started, on Cuphead (we still don't talk about the Dice Man). I already had the game for a long time, but I bought the DLC this year during a Steam sale to close off the game and this past year of my life. It took me a long time to get around to fully beating the game (and getting footage of all the bosses not including Dice Man), but I did it in the end and it's my way of saying I'm victorious this year.

That's basically everything I have to say about the series after a year. Cheers to the upcoming year of bosses and if you stick with me along this road, thanks.


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