德國Emma床褥 | 德國製造直送香港 壓縮包裝安全方便!Phoenix媽媽與寶貝們都大讚!

Описание к видео 德國Emma床褥 | 德國製造直送香港 壓縮包裝安全方便!Phoenix媽媽與寶貝們都大讚!

就黎母親節啦!💐Emma床褥率先同靚媽 @phoenix_chocophee 慶祝母親節。Emma床褥除左承托力極佳,可以俾小朋友係床上札札跳,床褥既面料更符合 OEKO-TEX® Standard 100第一等要求,適合擁有嬌嫩肌膚的嬰兒,唔會造成敏感。




Being a mother isn't an easy job. Especially so in Hong Kong, where most mothers are also working to provide a better life for their children. It is also common knowledge that a women's sleep would change drastically once they become a mother. It's no longer the same. The old mattress that was once comfortable may no longer be the case during and after pregnancy.

To honor all the mothers in the world, Emma have decided to partner up with @phoenix_chocophee to celebrate Mother's day! And as for the "tedious job", her husband has taken up the role to do the unboxing. Emma mattress is OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified. This means the mattress is safe even for babies!

Every Emma mattress is designed and produced in Germany. They are then safely vacuum packed in a box and shipped to Hong Kong, to your door step! Enjoy 100 night trials, 10 year guarantee and free delivery on every orders. Check it out now: https://www.emma-mattress.hk/en/


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