Free Will vs. Determinism

Описание к видео Free Will vs. Determinism

I was asked by a few of you lovely souls to make a video about free will and fate, so here is my attempt to discuss this wooly topic!

0:00 - Intro
3:30 - The Question and Its Emotional Importance
4:58 - G.I. Gurdjieff's Concept of Machine People. - Stoicism/Self-observation
16:33 - Fate/Destiny - Historical Theories: Cliodynamics vs. Great Men Theory
23:25 - Cultural Oversoul - Spontaneous Simultaneous Invention
30:07 - Determinism is Unhelpful to Think About - Limitations of Neuroscience: What is Will?
35:25 - Paradeigma - Call to Adventure - Jung and Campbell
36:23 - Atavistic Clairvoyance vs. Modern Perception - Karmic Laws
43:14 - Your Own Value Judgments

Thank you so much for watching! Feel free to comment and start a discussion.

If you enjoy my content and want to help me make more, I would greatly appreciate a cup of coffee or some book money!

Be well :)


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