Sandia Nordic Volunteer Trail Work Day Saturday, August 3, 2024

Описание к видео Sandia Nordic Volunteer Trail Work Day Saturday, August 3, 2024

This video shows the section of trail from the switchback turn above the north end of the 10K meadow heading south towards the upper meadow. The video highlights the work that was done by today's volunteers to bring the rough-cut backslope left by the mini excavator back into conformation with the natural contour of the mountain. Many thanks to today's volunteers: Vicky, Glenn, Nelly, Laurie, Paul, Karl, Greg, Elis, Jim, Neil, Allan, and Lindsey, and to Jeff, for orginizing our outing. Thanks, too, the young bucks who made a cameo at the end of the video! 🦌🦌🦌


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