Afgang 2022 / MFA Degree Show: Rasmus Niclas Rose Nielsen, Anabela Veloso, Madeleine Andersson

Описание к видео Afgang 2022 / MFA Degree Show: Rasmus Niclas Rose Nielsen, Anabela Veloso, Madeleine Andersson

Afgang 2022
20 Apr – 22 May 2022

Meet Rasmus Niclas Rose Nielsen, Anabela Veloso and Madeleine Andersson from this year's MFA Degree Show.

The three graduating artists open the doors to their studios and workshops at the Academy of Fine Arts' School of Visual Arts, where they each tell about the background of their works that can be experienced until 22 May at Kunsthal Charlottenborg.

Afgang (MFA Degree Show) is the annual exhibition for the graduates from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts’ Schools of Visual Arts. The exhibition celebrates and presents works created by 25 new talents from the Academy of Fine Arts’ School of Fine Arts and is both an insight into a 6-year educational process as well as a final presentation that points into the future of the artists.

Afgang 2022 is a presentation of the individual artists’ practice and at the same time, it offers insight into the potential future of contemporary Danish art. The visitors can encounter everything from painting over complex media installations and performances to text statements and sculptural objects.

The participating artists are: Madeleine Andersson, Ember Blooming, Clara Busch, Niels Christensen, Paula Duvå, Martin Brandt Hansen, Emilie Imán, Simon G Jakobsson, Anna Munk Johansen, Agne˙ Jokše˙, Cassie Augusta Jørgensen, Esben Weile Kjær, Maria Lepistö, Gurli-Marie Lindum, Maja Malou Lyse, Rasmus Niclas Rose Nielsen, Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen, Kristine Karlshøj Leopold, Søren K. Rye, Samara Sallam, Bertram von Undall, Anabela Veloso, Christian Vindelev, Vic West, Mike Mac-Leod Worning.

Afgang 2022 is curated by the Swedish curator group, Index. Supported by 15. Juni Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Det Obelske Familiefond.

#afgang2022 #KunstakademietsBilledkunstskoler #KunsthalCharlottenborg


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