Combined Technique Task and Finishing

Описание к видео Combined Technique Task and Finishing

This activity focuses on developing passing skills, first touch and the technique of shots on goal.
The exercise also helps develop dribbling skills and close control.

Players work in pairs.
Two small cones sign the server players' positions.
Two poles or mannequins are also placed as shown.
3-3 poles mark the paths of the the zig-zag dribbling on both sides.
Distances and the size of the playing area should be created according to the given age group.
From 6 up to 12 players take part in this exercise. Two of them are server players in Position A. Players in B and C work and change their positions continuously during the exercise.
Server players are changed periodically.
Players in Position B and C replaces the balls in the area.

Take care of extra ball
Take this practice competitive
Vary the required techniques of passes and shots on goal
Use both feet to perform the exercise
Close control
Heads up from the ball
Head orientation
Soft touches


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