Scott vs. Saxon vs. Spencer — Open Announcement 21.3 and 21.4

Описание к видео Scott vs. Saxon vs. Spencer — Open Announcement 21.3 and 21.4

The Panchik brothers — Scott, Saxon, and Spencer — take their sibling rivalry to the competition floor, going head-to-head in Open Workouts 21.3 and 21.4.

Watch the brothers close out the 2021 NOBULL CrossFit Games Open live from CrossFit’s headquarters.

Open Workout 21.3
For total time:
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bars
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters
Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

Men’s Rx weight: 95 lb
Women’s Rx weight: 65 lb
*Time cap: 15 min.

Open Workout 21.4
Complete the following complex for max load:
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk
Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3.
*Time cap: 7 min.

0:00-17:36 - Open Workout 21.3 & 21.4
17:36-18:57 - Workout Recap


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