Where Will You Be - Sister Murehwa

Описание к видео Where Will You Be - Sister Murehwa


The Court’s convened, Judgment from Heaven
The Supreme Judge of all the Earth
Declared the Book is open
Revelation ten, one to seven
Where will you be?
The Book is open
Where will you be?
Church, the roll is called
Which side of the Book is your name written?
Judgment begins in the House of God
It’s not enough to justified
Neither is it enough To be sanctified
You’ve got to be birthed, sealed and filled
Where will you be?
A mighty angel descended from Heaven
The mystery revealed
Some marked, some sealed
Where will you be?
Cain and Abel,
Isaac and Ishmael
Esau and Jacob
All came from the same line
But one was rejected and despised
The other had his name In the Lamb’s Book of Life
My brother tell me
Where will you be
Are you living like Lot’s wife
You want the rich and easy life
Living full of compromise
Looking back at the world
Well you’re either like Lot or
You‘re like Abraham
It’s either Sodom
Or the mountain of Hebron
My sister tell me
Where will you be?
They all came out of Egypt
And all crossed the Red Sea
Ate manna in the wilderness
Drank water from the rock
But many stumbled at Kadesh-Barnea
And only two crossed the Jordan river
Where will you
Check, take inventory
Where will you be?
A clean cut decision saints
Total separation
End time ‘Eagle Nazarites’
With the sword of the LORD
You’ve got to move from the outer court
Pass the brazen altar, get in the inner court
Behind the riven veil
Where the glory won’t fail
Where will you be?
Where will you be?
Saints, we need total deliverance
Not just an outside appearance
Because following do's and don't's along
Its Catholicism
This End Time Message must change our hearts
So we can live a converted life
You’ve got to be birthed, sealed and filled
Where will you be?

Where Will You Be - Sister Murehwa (210824)

Pastor L.T Mutasa
The End Time Message Ministry: Thohoyandou


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