Publications Matter for Academic Jobs, But Not How You Think—Here’s Why

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Many institutions have a hard-and-fast rule in what it takes to get an academic job. For example, do you get an academic job, you might need two A journal articles. However, this could be a quite of a big challenge, as it is unclear what a ‘A’ journal is and what your contribution was to the research project.

The other problem is that research ideas are relatively difficult to assess. How do we know if an idea is good? We only know that the idea is good when it is good as determined by others.

The general rule of thumb for how many publications you need to get an academic job:
1. Is this person going to have a shot of tenure if we bring them to our institution?
2. At the Associate professor level, Is whether this professor will go on and do wonderful things as a full professor.
3. As a Full professor, it is whether the full Professor has enough esteem in academia to warrant becoming a full professor.

I am not a big fan of focusing on outcomes, as they are the result of many things that happen before the result. Rather than think about the number of publications you need to get an academic job, you should think about whether you are doing the right things and you're continuing to do the right things.
1. Are you working?
2. Do you care about others? Do you have integrity?
3. Do you take pride in your work?
4. Do you work well with others?

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