DMS ‘22: Pivoting to Commerce Media — Megan Clarken, Criteo

Описание к видео DMS ‘22: Pivoting to Commerce Media — Megan Clarken, Criteo

At the end 2019, Megan Clarken took on the challenging task of joining Criteo as CEO in the middle of its transformation from a single-product retargeting business to a multi-product commerce media company. Now, two and half years in, the progress is starting to show, with the full business back in growth mode, a robust commerce media business, and the announcement of Criteo's largest acquisition ever. In this fireside, we'll explore what's changed at Criteo's during its recent journey, its strategy for the future, and the growing commerce media opportunity.

Watch all of LUMA’s Digital Media Summit’s main stage speakers and LUMA’s State of Digital Media presentation. #DMSBYLUMA

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