Maverick Hunter X Day of Sigma (Extra Long Edit)

Описание к видео Maverick Hunter X Day of Sigma (Extra Long Edit)

I took the Day of Sigma Mega Man X OVA and added in the X and Vile intro and ending cutscenes into the movie in different spots as if they were part of the same cut. The illusion is to fill out the beginning and ending of the OVA and make it feel a little more complete.

The idea is to use Vile's ending and a small segment of X's ending as a prologue to X's opening where it fills the gap of how X and Zero would already know vile by this point, and the dialog is so ambiguously written that Sigma's turn is ambiguous, as his lines to Vile also work as his current Maverick Hunter role.

I threw Vile's Intro and the rest of X's Ending at the end, as it works as a lead in to mega man x1 still. (Vile walking down the road works as a post-sigma mwahaha stinger, and X looking at Zero's cycle could be hesitation about going to fight the mavericks alone right after the last battle.)

I think the edits work pretty well and give the ova a more complete package, and I just like having all of the anime scenes in one file. I don't like the PSP remake of the game, but I thought the anime stuff was real neat!


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