Cockburn Clinic 4.8.24 - MP

Описание к видео Cockburn Clinic 4.8.24 - MP

A very controlled stroke with some lovely elements. Overall, there needs to be some more flow and lightness to the movements to ensure a more relaxed stroke and to reduce the amount of energy being used. It is a lovely improvement on last year and learning to introduce a true recovery phase will take it to the next level again. Stroke changeover is sitting right on the edge of ok and is working at present but be careful as you fatigue that it doesn't drop earlier or it'll be tough. Relaxing the neck a little will assist in gaining a more streamlined head position so the top of the head is pointing in the direction you are swimming.

Area to focus on:
Introducing a true recovery - upper arm lead
Relaxing neck to adjust head position
Increase feel for the water and flow in the stroke

Finger drag, Zip, Shark fin, 8-3-8


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