G’Day Guys, my name is Jerome from JustClickRecord.com, welcome to this tutorial about how to record acoustic guitar with GarageBand. Let’s get started. There’s two ways you can do it, through your guitar pickup output, or using a microphone, in this tutorial we will cover of on both of those and how to try and get the best result.
For this we will need another empty GarageBand project, so we will open that up. Now again my little input device is an m-box mini 2, so I will plug my guitar into input number 2. Now we just need to open a new guitar track within this project and see how it goes.
So, guitar track, select input two of m-box mini two, and I don’t what to hear what im recording otherwise I’ll probably get lots of feedback. We’ll just check the input source and check if we have sound. Alright that looks fine, let’s record something. Let’s see what that sounds like.
Obviously that’s working and it sounds ok, but you miss a lot of those treble sort of sounds when you go through your pickup, so I like to add a microphone sitting in front of the guitar because that will picked some of those more ‘metally’ sounds and pick up more of the high notes. SO to do that we need to enable multi-track recording and also get a microphone plugged in, so let’s do that.
You can get fancy guitar microphones, but I’ve got nothing like that, so I just use my normal vocal microphone. Again that will go into my m-box two, and both input will be setup as guitar tracks. From here we add a new track, another guitar track from input one this time, make sure its still from the m-box mini, yep, create that, and again we’ll make sure it’s a acoustic guitar profile.
So now we have our two inputs into the m-box and it looks like it’s working, I’ll just tap that microphone, yep, that definitely working, now we just need to enable multitrack recording. Go to the track header, select ‘Show Record Enable’, so now for each track that we press that button for, that track will record when we start recording.
We’ll do a little test, they both look like they’re ready to go so let’s try... oops, I didn’t record enable, let’s adjust that. Now I’ve selected the record enable button on both of those tracks, and they are ready to go, so next time i start, they will both record. So those tracks both recorded, let’s go and have a listen.
So there you go, I like to include both of those tracks, because you get the depth when you go through the pickup, and then you also get the treble sounds and clarity when you go through the microphone.
That was my tutorial on how to record acoustic guitar with GarageBand, I hope it was helpful for you.
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