Late Night Thunderstorms with Intense Lightning (9/19/2023)

Описание к видео Late Night Thunderstorms with Intense Lightning (9/19/2023)

Best lightning strikes:
31:12 - CG bead lightning
59:05** - close w/ powerful thunder
1:02:40 - another CG bead lightning
1:05:30*** - close in front of camera behind tree
1:08:38* - close/sudden crash

These storms occurred during the early morning hours of September 19, 2023, in Norman, Oklahoma. The first cell produced frequent intracloud lightning and small hail. Behind the heavy rain came some very close cloud-to-ground strikes. Maybe not ideal if you're dozing off!

The footage skips a few minutes here and there where nothing was going on and switches between a west-facing and east-facing camera for the best bolts. Unfortunately, overexposure and rolling shutter made these bolts not so clear.

00:00 Rain/hail
10:00 Flashing/rumbling
28:10 Louder rumbles
34:30 Heavy rain
57:00 Close/loud strikes
01:12:15 Tapering off


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