Speaking Better Things - Grace Howe

Описание к видео Speaking Better Things - Grace Howe

"Speaking Better Things"
By Sis Grace Howe
Recorded live at Mizpeh Tabernacle on Easter Sunday, 31st March 2024

997 - Speaking Better Things

How can I not live for him
I've heard the voice of his blood
Speaking better things for me
Speaking pardon and liberty
Showing me what was done on Calvary

It has told me my sins are gone
It has told me I am his son
It has told me he has prepared a place for me

I've seen his vesture dipped in blood
I've come back to renew my vows to him
That is why I am here again
I've come back to see the Lamb that was slain

We heard the emancipation proclamation
We have seen the risen Son
Out from the slave fields of sin we came
In search of another land

We keep coming back to this place
Cause it holds for us such great treasure
Each time we see this bloodstained vesture
The price of our freedom we remember

And forever we will praise
This lamb who for our sins was slain
Together with him we will be in eternity

And I thank God for the old rugged cross
It's shame and reproach I gladly bear
I will cling to the old rugged cross
And I'll exchange it some day for a crown


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