Lakes MTB - Coniston North 'Back On It'

Описание к видео Lakes MTB - Coniston North 'Back On It'

Having not been on the bike for 3 weeks, what with a heavy cold, holiday topped off by a week or so of COVID I thought this may be a struggle

The first climb out of Coniston wasn't too bad and pretty much cleaned the off road climb. The first descent was very technical on greasy limestone and roots so a proper stop start affair with some pushes down what I should have ridden. Second descent again very technical and another struggle. I was fine on lets say normal tech but as it ratcheted up a notch or two found it quite difficult to commit to things which you will see in the edit

Towards the end I had another climb and great descent in mind but my legs were cooked by then and with the clocks going back overnight I wasn't really sure how much daylight I had although I had taken a head torch didn't think it would be good to do a technical decent tired in the dark with a candle on my helmet so sense check took me back to the car

Not too shabby for my first ride in a few weeks 3,900ft elevation and 20 miles 90% off road


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