Nailing the correct canter lead and strike off every time

Описание к видео Nailing the correct canter lead and strike off every time

Do you confidently ride your canter strike off knowing your horse will get the correct canter lead every time? Or do you fumble through it knowing you've got a 50/50 chance of getting it. Maybe even worse than that you know there's one canter lead you can just never get!!

There are 2 key elements to ensuring your horse gets that canter lead every time:
- Cue training
- Ensuring your horse is working evenly, straight and balanced (ie not crooked)

In this video I share 2 different horses and how we work on these 2 key elements to nail that canter strike off.

We also look at the developmental process with a horse that won't pick up a particular canter lead and how we use our straightness training to get it. I also share a little bit about how to see if you horse is working crooked.

If you think you've got that canter lead cue nailed and thinking maybe your horse is getting a canter lead because of crookedness let's tee up a gait analysis.

We know how hard it can be to train your eye in so why not let us do it for you? From the gait analysis we can tell you if your horse is tracking up properly and evenly, if they're engaging or disengaging, if they are lifting their shoulders and working over their back properly and if they are working crooked and cheating on their self carriage work.

Jump over to our website to check out what a gait analysis looks like. We can't wait to work with you!!


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