Another song written from notes many years ago that I added music to mostly unaltered lyrics. This was during a very dark time in my life. I discovered that I had not really moved on, I had merely shut down. This helped me to work my way through and find my way.


I understand now, the reason why I think
When we can’t go on, we feel the need to shrink
Pain is too great, we’ve done everything we can
So we become an emotional wasteland

Even though we know, this is the wrong approach
We can insulate ourselves, and let it go
Isolation of self, though a comfort can
Turn us into an emotional wasteland

Then we sink even deeper, lose all feeling
No pain or pleasure, even want or giving
We will try to exist there, but know we can’t
We’ll perish in this emotional wasteland

We crawl to the edge, and as we seek the shore
Things will hurt even more, than ever before
No easy way out, or no definite plan
We must escape this emotional wasteland

Know that the pain, must be part of the healing
Do not shy away, but embrace these feelings
Do not be afraid, to accept someone’s hand
Perhaps they’ve known this emotional wasteland

They can help pull you through, into the daylight
Out of the darkness, of an unending night
Lift yourself up, and on your own two legs stand
Bid farewell to the emotional wasteland

Written March 1999 to September 18, 2024
Lyrics and Music by Ron Corrick


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