Commodore 64 Longplay [036] Bangkok Knights (EU)

Описание к видео Commodore 64 Longplay [036] Bangkok Knights (EU)

Played by: MadMatty

Bangkok Knights, developed and released for the Commodore 64 in 1987 by System 3

“From the humble peasant farmers of Thailand came one of the world’s most devastating forms of combat, Thai Boxing - the fastest, meanest and most exciting full contact sport in the world of martial arts. In this unique simulation of Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) you must fight your way from the cliff ledges above your village, through the jungle and into the streets of Bangkok. Only after defeating all the street-wise opponents will you be granted the right to fight in the famous Lumpini stadium, here you will encounter the greatest exponents of the sport, the Bangkok Knights. By using unique and innovative programming techniques you will have to combat the largest, cartoon-like, animated characters ever seen and with the action set against eight-way smooth scrolling backgrounds plus state of the art music and digitised sound effect. But beware, the Bangkok Knights are not known for their chivalry. They will often surprise you with comical cheat moves and you might die laughing.”

Well the description on the box certainly tries to sell you the game. The game is notably different to anything else on the C64 at this time but as is usually the case the gameplay suffers while showing off with its big gfx. There is really not that many moves to memorise. Just each direction with fire button but there can be some lag depending on energy level deciding if the move you want will come out. Usually easier to just spam the basic kick / punch to get the job done though. The levels are fairly large allowing you good freedom of movement.

The kind of loses some steam after the first four fights as you are in the ring for the remaining four fights. It was nice to progress through different backgrounds before. Each fighter does seem to have a hint of personality in that they will approach you differently. Some will hold back playing defensively and hitting you with big power punches and others will just keep knocking you around with low power hits. Unfortunately I didn't get to show all the opponents unique comical moves. For all your trouble the ending (or lack of) is a bit of a let down considering how much effort goes into the presentation of past and future games from System 3.

Once the main game loads up, I show a brief demo of typing in numbers to chage the colours of the fighters and title screen. The point of it? I dunno but it is listed in the game manual on what the number combinations do. Like IK+ The music plays oddly in WinVice 3.3. I do let it play out a bit at the end of the video. There is a hint of influence of the Rocky movies in this game I think.

00:00:00 Loader Music
00:05:00 Main Game -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!


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