Dingo and Mastiff | Maligator and Pacifier and Cat | Big Canine Family

Описание к видео Dingo and Mastiff | Maligator and Pacifier and Cat | Big Canine Family

Morning bush run. Maggie’s favourite. She bounces around barking at the bike to make it go. Hope the Boxer loves to run beside the bike and bark, because it’s her favourite activity too.

Abra runs with a chewed up ball in her mouth. Yes it’s intentional. The maligator. If she doesn’t have one, which she usually does, Luke always flicks her one.

Shadow chases the birds. It’s her job to keep the property safe from birds landing for more than the time allocated.

Lily has her stick. And a wrestle with Rover. The perfect day so far.

Rover and Miss Violet play tug of war. Miss Violet is very committed and gets dragged without a care, and without letting go.

Some raw meaty bones. Yum.

Then we sleep.

In case of worry, Abra has a lump on her side. We are aware and she has already been to the vet about it. Nothing to worry about. Too many dogs going through a doorway at dinner time and she knocked the side, it blew up. But just to be sure. She had some antibiotics and anti inflammatory and it is going down.

Abra and Kitty. Those eyes 👀

Tilly time with Dad. Zoomies and some Cattle dog talk.

Banjo cuddles. And then finally Cruiser tummy scratches. He wants to climb up and share mums seat with her but he’s still shy. One day.


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