The Power of Water Fasting and How I did Mine

Описание к видео The Power of Water Fasting and How I did Mine

All about my 7 day water fast, what it's like, how I ended it and the benefits.
Want to get out of your funk? Wanna get younger again? Watch! Also check out this
video link to cardiologist Dr. Jadip Jamnadas discussing the amazing benefits of water fasting    • Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pr...  
Learn about Autophagy and how the body rebuilds itself. Water fasting is NOT the same as juice fasting. Juice fasting releases insulin. Water fasting doesn't. Insulin prevents fat from being used for fuel. Juice fasting is a form of caloric restriction which can waste muscle. Water fasting does not for quite some time. Water fasting does not lower metabolism like regular caloric restriction and juice fasting does. In fast, the first three days of water fasting RAISES metabolism! Watch, listen and be amazed.
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