Uttanasana || Hastapadasana || Padahastasana || Standing Forward Bend || Upward Forward Fold

Описание к видео Uttanasana || Hastapadasana || Padahastasana || Standing Forward Bend || Upward Forward Fold

Uttanasana is one of the classical yoga postures. It is the 3rd and the 10th position of traditional suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) with Mantra Om Hroom Suryaya Namaha. It is one of the wishes for many to touch their toes in their life time. When performed correctly using the movement and the breathing in the right manner, it will no more be a far reaching dream.

Any forward bend, including this one, is initiated from the hips. As you activate your hips, it automatically engages your pelvis, which in turn, allows your back to get in concave position by lifting your frontal torso up to the ceiling. Continue to maintain this uplift position firmly throughout until you reach the end of forward bend. This will help maintain the length of the spine and optimal engagement of core.

Uttanasana works on stretching the back side of your body including the hamstrings, calves, hips and is one of the most recommended practices for back stiffness. As the core is continuously engaged in allowing the rest of the upper part of the body to go forward, this brings a good massage to the spleen, pancreas, liver, kidney and thereby, is boon to diabetes patients, constipation, hormonal imbalance, menstrual problems etc. The vertical lengthening at the back during the posture stretches the spine, and the disc in between vertebrae to its maximum. This aids in disc lubrication. Also, firm standing position takes care of the health of the knee. This is one of the postures, athletes are not comfortable doing still, it makes part of their regular practice.They end up reaping maximum benefits even by performing 30-40% of its capacity.

This semi inversion directs your blood to the brain which in turn, calms your brain nerves and leads to deep relaxation. People suffering from high BP, stress, anxiety, confusion can feel immediate relaxation by performing this.

Avoid this practice in case of cardiac problem, back problem, hernia, vertigo, ulcer, abdominal inflammation, high myopia, vertebral or disc.


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