Simha Mudra || Simhaasana || Lion's Gesture || Lion's Roar || Simhagarjanasana || Roaring Lion Pose

Описание к видео Simha Mudra || Simhaasana || Lion's Gesture || Lion's Roar || Simhagarjanasana || Roaring Lion Pose

This is the posture the lion assumes just before attacking its prey so get into that attitude.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, place your palms firmly on the knees;
2. Pressing your palms on the knees, lean forward slightly; hold this position and inhale;
3. As you exhale, open your mouth wide; stretch your tongue out from its root as if you are trying to touch the chin with the tongue.
4. Also, while exhaling, stretch your fingers wide apart with your palms firmly pressed against the knees.
5. Bring your gaze in-between your eyebrows – Sambhavi Mudra (eye brow centre gazing) – and keep your gaze fixed until you are holding the posture.
6. The stretching out of the tongue can be accompanied with a roaring sound. Hold this for 20-30 seconds while breathing normally and then release.
7. You can breathe from the mouth as well as nostrils.

Recommended for
Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Thyroid, Singers, Face Lift, facial beauty, toned up face, Normalizing High BP

 Be careful not to bend the neck while leaning forward; the whole upper body is bending forward as one unit
 D not bend forward if suffering from any kind of backache
 Avoid in case of severe vertigo
Jivha Bandha and Simha Mudra are to be performed alternatively at least in three sets. Practice upto 3 minutes in a day. These can be performed anywhere anytime on an empty stomach. The above practices, when done regularly, in combination, bring multiple benefits.
Caution (combined)
 Please do not perform in case of toothache, pain in the jaws and throat or swelling inside the mouth


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