La Vie en Rose 玫瑰人生 (Emily Watts) | Cover Performance ​⁠

Описание к видео La Vie en Rose 玫瑰人生 (Emily Watts) | Cover Performance ​⁠

《玫瑰人生》《La Vie en Rose》是由身材矮小的只有142公分的法國著名女歌手伊迪絲·琵雅芙於1946年演繹的一首法國民謠,歌詞是由她填寫的,很快這這首歌就風靡了整個法國,並奠定了她天后的地位,多年來被眾多的歌手翻唱。在1984,香港其中一位最有名的歌手 - 陳百強翻唱了這首名曲,中文名為"粉紅色的一生"。

“La Vie en Rose" is a French folk song performed in 1946 by Edith Piaf, a famous French female singer who was only 142 cm tall. She wrote the lyrics and soon the song became popular throughout France, and established her status as a singing queen. This song has been covered by many singers over the years. In 1984, in Hong Kong, one of the most famous singers - Danny Chan sang a cover of this song called "Life in Pink" in Chinese.


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