廣州!農曆新年!家族聚餐!海鮮大餐!1600元!有什麼菜式?燒鵝!大蝦!盤龍鱔!蒸魚!永旺!超市購物!海鮮市場!千人聚餐!驚艷!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州!農曆新年!家族聚餐!海鮮大餐!1600元!有什麼菜式?燒鵝!大蝦!盤龍鱔!蒸魚!永旺!超市購物!海鮮市場!千人聚餐!驚艷!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #農曆新年 #海鮮

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/aa9xcoKRTbxcS...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/7c/BhY


金沙洲,位於廣東省廣州市西部,是廣州與佛山交界處的江中島「潯峰洲」中歸屬於廣州的區域,總面積8.3平方公里,佔全島約三分之一。 金沙洲東臨珠江白沙河段,西北靠潯峰山,北與佛山南海區里水鎮「金草洲」接壤,南與佛山南海區大瀝鎮「海北新城」接壤,歸屬於廣州市白雲區管轄,是 廣州市西部的重要門戶,現已發展成廣州市內的大型住宅區,為廣州市“示範性住宅小區”,也有廣州的“睡城”之稱。
1958年前,潯峰洲歸屬於南海縣。 1959年行政區調整,將潯峰洲十三鄉中的橫沙、沙鳳劃入廣州郊區。 1994年,經廣州市地名委員會批准,該地區被命名為「金沙洲」。 2002年,白雲區撤銷石井鎮,以原橫沙、沙鳳範圍成立「金沙街道」。
金沙洲一帶原為農田,盛產冬瓜、玉蔥(紅蔥)、甘蔗、藤葛,其出產的「潯峰葛」小有名氣,村民以務農為生,對外交通依靠渡輪,因交通不便、人口稀少 ,被戲稱為廣州的「西伯利亞」。 1989年,金沙洲第一條公路橋通車。 1996年前後,第一條直達金沙洲的公車路線開通。 2003年,連接廣州市區和金沙洲的金沙洲大橋通車。 隨著廣佛同城化開展,2006年,金沙洲進入大規模開發階段,引進多個大型地產發展商,將農田改建為商業住宅項目,因房屋供應量大、房價較廣州市中心低廉,金沙洲 吸引大批置業者和上班族等流動人口居住,常住人口由2萬迅速增至20萬以上,成為廣佛兩地之間有名的“睡城”,由此劇增的通勤人流量、車流量亦 帶來嚴重交通壅塞問題。
Jinshazhou is located in the west of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It is an area belonging to Guangzhou in the "Xunfengzhou" on the Jiangzhong Island at the junction of Guangzhou and Foshan. It has a total area of 8.3 square kilometers, accounting for about one-third of the island. Jinshazhou borders the Baisha section of the Pearl River to the east, Xunfeng Mountain to the northwest, borders "Jincaozhou" in Lishui Town, Nanhai District, Foshan to the north, and borders "Haibei New City" in Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan to the south. It is under the jurisdiction of Baiyun District, Guangzhou City. An important gateway in the west of Guangzhou City, it has now developed into a large-scale residential area in Guangzhou City. It is a "model residential area" in Guangzhou City and is also known as the "Sleeping City" of Guangzhou.
Before 1958, Xunfengzhou belonged to Nanhai County. In 1959, the administrative region was adjusted, and Hengsha and Shafeng among the Thirteen Townships of Xunfengzhou were included in the suburbs of Guangzhou. In 1994, with the approval of the Guangzhou Municipal Geographical Names Committee, the area was named "Jinshazhou". In 2002, Baiyun District abolished Shijing Town and established "Jinsha Street" within the original Hengsha and Shafeng areas.
The area around Jinshazhou was originally farmland, rich in winter melons, green onions (red onions), sugar cane, and kudzu. Its "Xunfeng kudzu" is famous. The villagers make a living by farming and rely on ferries for external transportation. Due to inconvenient transportation and sparse population , nicknamed Guangzhou’s “Siberia”. In 1989, the first highway bridge in Jinshazhou was opened to traffic. Around 1996, the first direct bus line to Jinshazhou was opened. In 2003, the Jinshazhou Bridge connecting Guangzhou City and Jinshazhou was opened to traffic. With the integration of Guangzhou and Foshan, Jinshazhou entered a large-scale development stage in 2006. Several large-scale real estate developers were introduced to convert farmland into commercial residential projects. Due to the large supply of housing and lower housing prices than in the center of Guangzhou, Jinshazhou Attracting a large number of floating population such as home buyers and office workers, the permanent population has rapidly increased from 20,000 to more than 200,000, making it a famous "sleeping city" between Guangzhou and Foshan. As a result, the flow of commuters and vehicles has also increased dramatically. causing serious traffic congestion problems.


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00:00 Intro
01:14 金沙洲/永旺吉之島/農曆新年壽司大餐
10:53 購物/商場物價如何? /選擇多價錢平
22:40 海寶灣海鮮市場買海鮮
29:40 新年家庭團聚食大餐/份量超大/每席1600元
43:34 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #農曆新年 #海鮮 #燒鵝 #大蝦 #九節蝦 #盤龍鱔 #蒸魚 #永旺 #吉之島 #超市 #美食 #旅遊 #金沙洲 #vlog travel #vlog camera #chinese food blog #vlog bgm #vlog study #vlog china #china tour blog #china touring #china tour guide #food tourism #food tour china


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