F value l Canning Part 03 l Lesson 09 l Thermal Destruction of Microorganisms l Food Processing

Описание к видео F value l Canning Part 03 l Lesson 09 l Thermal Destruction of Microorganisms l Food Processing

#Canning #Foodpreservationmethods #EsculentãScience
Canning process was introduced about two centuries ago. It has been one of the main means of food preservation, together with chilling and freezing. The food canning history began in the late eighteenth century in France when Nicholas Appert discovered that the application of heat to food in a sealed glass container prevented #food #spoilage.
Conventional canning is a method of food preservation in which a food is placed in hermetically sealed containers and heated to destroy microorganisms. The main objective of heat application is to destroy pathogenic and spoilage #microorganisms and at the same time, the hermetic container prevents contamination by new microorganisms. Although the use of metal containers is common, there are other alternatives as glass jars, plastic cans, and #retortpouches.
The #food #industry is highly regulated to ensure #canned #foods are processed correctly to avoid this contamination. It that case understanding of #Dvalue, #Zvalue and #Fvalue is very much important.
In this video, we talk about what is F value. Also, discuss about its calculations and definitions.
The links for the Z value and F value are mentioned below.
Z value -    • Z value l Canning Part 02 l Lesson 8 ...  
D value -    • D value l Decimal Reduction Time l Ca...  

D-Value Simplified | Decimal Reduction Time
D value Decimal Reduction Time
D-value explained
Decimal Reduction Time or D Value
Sterilization Criteria : Survivor curve, Death Curve, D Value, Z Value, F Value, Sensitivity
Decimal reduction time
D value Decimal Reduction Time Calculations
F and Z-Value Simplified | Food Technology Lecture
z value thermal resistant constant
Thermal processing calculation | How to determine D-value and z-value
Sterilization (Z value)
z value thermal resistant constant
Thermal Process Calculations - D and F values
Sterilization Criteria : Survivor curve, Death Curve, D Value, Z Value, F Value, Sensitivity
Thermal Process Calculations - Lethality, Thermal Death Time
Thermal Death Time of microorganisms in food processing

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