Lunchbox Talk: Flora of the Southeastern US Apps

Описание к видео Lunchbox Talk: Flora of the Southeastern US Apps

With Michael Lee, Data Scientist, and Scott Ward, Research Botanist - North Carolina Botanical Garden, UNC Herbarium

For nearly 20 years, the herbarium has produced a print and pdf flora of the southeastern United States, a guide to keying out plant species across 25 states. In the last year, we've transformed this valuable resource into a web app with dynamic keys, photographs of species, quick searches by synonyms as well as Latin and common names. We've also designed a mobile app that further assists botanists with plant identification by narrowing down options using flower color, flowering month, geographic location, and other assorted bits of botanical information. NCBG herbarium associates Michael Lee and Scott Ward will present these two apps and how to best use them.


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