Kenyal Manis Wangi! Resep WEDANG RONDE JAHE

Описание к видео Kenyal Manis Wangi! Resep WEDANG RONDE JAHE

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00:00 : intro
01:18 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:06 : membuat kuah wedang (making the broth)
03:12 : membuat isian kacang (making the nut filling)
04:20 : membuat ekstrak jahe (making ginger extract)
05:00 : membuat adonan ronde (making the dough)
07:15 : bentuk dan isi adonan ronde (shaping and filling the dough)
09:25 : rebus ronde (boiling the Ronde balls)
09:54 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepWedangRonde #ResepRondeJahe #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Wedang Ronde Jahe (untuk 8-10 porsi)

350 gr tepung ketan
40 gr tepung tapioka
½ sdt garam
320 ml air panas
Perisa cocopandan
Perisa pandan

Bahan isian:
100 gr kacang mede goreng / kacang tanah goreng
3 sdm gula pasir
¼ sdt garam
1 ½ sdm selai kacang

Bahan kuah:
170 gr jahe utuh
6 lembar daun pandan
1 batang serai
2 ½ liter air
300 gr gula pasir

Bahan ekstrak jahe:
60 gr jahe, kupas
250 ml air

1. Bakar jahe di api sedang kecil hingga permukaan jahe menjadi hitam kemudian geprek
2. Di dalam panci masukkan air, jahe, daun pandan, serai, dan gula pasir, masak hingga mendidih lalu kecilkan api, masak selama 12-20 menit
3. Di dalam food processor, masukkan kacang mede, gula pasir, selai kacang, dan garam, haluskan kemudian bentuk bulat kecil
4. Untuk ekstrak jahe, blender jahe dengan air hingga halus pindahkan sambil disaring dan didihkan
5. Di dalam mangkuk, campurkan tepung ketan, tepung tapioka, garam, dan air panas sambil diaduk dengan sumpit lalu uleni dengan tangan
6. Bagi menjadi 3 bagian. Beri perisa pandan untuk warna hijau dan beri perisa cocopandan untuk warna pink, uleni hingga menyatu
7. Bentuk memanjang adonan lalu belah dua. Roll setengah adonan lalu potong-potong seukuran 1 ruas jempol. Bentuk seperti mangkuk, letakkan isian kacang kemudian bulatkan. Balurkan ke dalam tepung tapioka
8. Untuk ronde kecil, roll adonan memanjang lalu potong-potong seukuran 7-8 mm. Balurkan ke dalam tepung tapioka
9. Ulangi step yang sama hingga adonan habis
10. Saring kuah jahe lalu masukkan kembali ke dalam panci
11. Didihkan air, rebus ronde hingga mengapung dan matang, tiriskan
12. Wedang ronde siap disajikan

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Ginger Wedang Ronde Recipe (yield 8-10 servings)

350 g glutinous rice flour
40 g tapioca flour
½ tsp salt
320 ml hot water
Cocopandan extract
Pandan extract

Filling ingredients:
100 g fried cashew / fried peanut
3 tbsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
1.5 tbsp peanut butter

Broth ingredients:
170 g whole ginger
6 pc pandan leaf
1 pc lemongrass
2.5 liter water
300 g sugar

Ginger Extract ingredients:
60 g ginger, peeled
250 ml water

1. Roast the ginger on medium-low flame until the surface is blackened, then pound it.
2. In a pan, add water, ginger, pandan leaves, lemongrass, and sugar. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat. Cook for 12-20 minutes.
3. In a food processor, add cashew, sugar, peanut butter, and salt. Blend, then shape into small balls.
4. For the ginger extract, blend ginger with water until smooth. Strain and boiled it.
5. In a bowl, combine glutinous rice flour, tapioca flour, salt, and hot water while stirring with chopsticks. Then, knead it by hand.
6. Divide the dough into 3 parts. Add pandan extract to color the dough green and cocopandan extract to color it pink. Knead until the color is mixed in well.
7. Shape the dough into a long cylinder, then slice it into two. Roll one of the dough, then slice it into thumb-sized pieces. Shape each piece into a bowl, fill it with the nut filling, then shape into balls. Coat the Ronde balls with tapioca flour.
8. For the small balls, roll the dough into a long cylinder, then slice to 7-8 mm pieces. Coat them with tapioca flour.
9. Repeat the same steps until the dough is finished.
10. Strain the ginger broth, then transfer it back to the pan.
11. Boil water and cook the Ronde until they float and are cooked. Set aside.
12. Wedang Ronde is ready to serve.


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