History of Lisbon : From the beginning to christian siege in 1147

Описание к видео History of Lisbon : From the beginning to christian siege in 1147

Lisbon is one of the oldest European cities.

Its history started in the Neolithic Period with the presence of Iberians and Celts, but historians estimate that the city was founded on 1200 BC by Phoenicians, probably by people from Tyr in the South of Liban.

The site is perfect to become a trading post, both at the mouth of the Tage, the longest river of the peninsula, on a natural port and on the road from the Mediterranea to the Atlantic.

Phoenicians would then travel for tin up to Cornwall to make bronze. They would exchange precious metals, manufactured goods, salt, salted fish, horses.

Around 400 BC, Carthage takes over. 200 years later, they are chased by Romans during the Second punitive war.

The city is fortified against Celts then are built a big roman theatre, thermal baths, temples dedicated to Jupiter, Diana, Cybele, a necropolis, a forum.

Lisbon used to export garum, a very popular salted fish sauce, wine, salt.

Les Vandales envahissent la ville en 408, puis c’est le tour des Alains et les Wisigoths.

Vandals invaded the city in 408, then it is the Alans and the Wisigoths’ turn.

In 714, Lisbon became muslim for 433 years. The city fell under the Omeyyades from Damas’ domination, then the Berber Almoravids. A part of the residents converted to Islam, which saved them from paying taxes, without however opening them social opportunities. Christians and Jews had to pay tax.

The city recovered her splendor and in around 900 was one of the most populated cities in Europe with Constantinople, Salonique, Seville and Crodoue with a population of around 100 000 inhabitants.

The Moors improved farmland irrigation allowing several harvests per year.

They built a big mosque, a castle, a governor palace, a medina, the Alfama District, a fortress on the Tage’ south bank to protect the city and a new outer wall.

The Arab city is submitted to Viking and Christian attacks.

In 1147, the siege of the Portuguese and the “Holy warriors” take the city over. Massacre, raids and 30 000 people reduced to slavery.

The big mosque becomes a cathedral. The body of St-Vincent, the Patron Saint of the City, berthed on a small boat pulled by 2 crows.

The surviving Muslims are confined in the district of Mouraria under the hill of St Georges’ Castle, opposite the district of Alfama.

Lisbon turned another leaf in its history. She was Phoenician for 800 years, Carthiginian for 200, Roman for 600 years, German for 300 years and Muslim for 400 years before soon becoming the capital of Portugal.

More about Lisbon in french :

// Lisbon travelguide : http://bit.ly/Visiter-Lisbonne
// Map of Lisbon : http://bit.ly/Carte-Lisbonne
// Itineraries for a weekend : https://bit.ly/Itineraires-Lisbonne
// Places to stay : http://bit.ly/Hebergement-Lisbonne

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