Endocarpal Removal of Three Scrub Plum Drupes

Описание к видео Endocarpal Removal of Three Scrub Plum Drupes

Endocarp removal of three Scrub Plum (prunus geniculata) drupes using CHANNELLOCK 440 tongue-and-groove pliers, to prevent crushing of the embryo.

The scrub plum is a small shrub endemic to the oak scrub and high pine communities of the Lake Wales Ridge. The scrub plum has declined with the destruction and fragmentation of its scrub habitat for agriculture and residential housing.

Johnny Butterflyseed believes Scrub Plum germination rates can be improved, and mean time to germination reduced, by removal of the tough shell protecting the embryo. Johnny expects that this, plus the use of giberrellic acid (GA3) to overcome seed dormancy, should improve germination success to a value greater than 11%.

Further, the study of those that do germinate might help redefine what constitutes a Scrub Plum "seedling" in the wild.


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