Copernicus ocean modeling

Описание к видео Copernicus ocean modeling

Download slides from the webinar ''Ocean Modelling in the Frame of digital twins':

The Iliad Digital Twin of the Ocean is an EU-funded project that builds on two decades of investments in policies and infrastructures for the blue economy and aims at establishing an interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean.

Groundstation.Space is one of the Iliad consortium partners.

Learn more about the Iliad project:

About Speaker:
I’m Sylvain Cailleau from Mercator Ocean International MOi (Toulouse, France).

I’m an oceanographer and belong to the Team “Evolution of the hindcasts and forecasts systems” of MOi.

I defended my PhD in 2004 entitled “Validation of methods to constrain the boundary of an ocean model: application to a regional model of Bay of Biscay embedded in a basin-scale North Atlantic model” in the LEGI laboratory (Grenoble, France)

As a post-doctoral position, I spent 1 year (2005-2006) in IFREMER (Brest, France) to study the impacts of regional climate on halieutic species in the Bay of Biscay.

Since 2006, I’ve worked in MOi. I started to study the impact of high-frequency atmospheric forcings in MOi models. Then I was involved in the coordination of the Copernicus Marine User Uptake program. Now I am involved in projects about the Sargassum algae drift and beaches in the Caribbean Archipelagos (with Météo-France, the French Ecology Ministry, and other French research institutes). And I’ve just led the ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Copernicus system (MFC) for the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland (IBI) area. I’ve also animated the Copernicus Ensemble Approach Working Group with Laurent Bertino.


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