從黃金瀑布爬往《無言的山丘》、六坑索道,環遊金瓜石~(A Circular Route of Jinqaushi)

Описание к видео 從黃金瀑布爬往《無言的山丘》、六坑索道,環遊金瓜石~(A Circular Route of Jinqaushi)

Climb from the GoldenWaterfall to the filming location of the movie "The Hills of No Returns" and visit the No. 6 Mine Pit, the South Tunnel of the Wuji Ropewayl, the waste chimney of Taijin Corporation, Jinguashi Quanjitang Temple, Qitang Old Street, Jinfu Temple, and Shanjian Historical Trail Trail, And then take the Jianshan Road back to the Golden Waterfall, it's a ring-shaped Jinqaushi tour route.

本次行程的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin )

【路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
黃金瀑布→30分鐘→無言的山丘 →6分鐘→本山六坑→4分鐘→南隧道→8分鐘→廢煙道山丘→30分鐘→六坑索道天車間→5分鐘→勸濟堂→2分鐘→祈堂老街(漫步逛一圈老街約30分鐘)→5分鐘→戰俘營→10分鐘→金福宮→15分鐘→石山橋→20分鐘→黃金瀑布, 全程約4.5小時(含休息及拍片)
Golden Waterfall → 30 minutes → "Hills of No Return" movie film scene→ 6 minutes → Benshan No.6 Mine Pit → 4 minutes → South Tunnel → 8 minutes → Waste chimney hill→ 30 minutes → Crane Room of No.6 Mine Pit Ropeway→ 5 minutes → Quanjitang Temple → 2 Minutes → Qitang Old Street (about 30 minutes wandering around the old street) → 5 minutes → Prisoner of War camp Ruins → 10 minutes → Jinfu Temple → 15 minutes → Shishan Bridge → 20 minutes → Golden Waterfall, the whole journey is about 4.5 hours (including rest And filming)

【交通資訊】(Traffic Information)
★ Mass transportation: Take Guoguang Bus 1811 or 1812 to Shuinandong Stop, then walk to Golden Waterfall; or Take Taiwan Tourist Shuttle 856 or Bus 891,826,788 to Golden Waterfall Stop.
★ Driving by yourself: Google Maps satellite navigation input "Golden Waterfall" you can be navigated to Golden Waterfall. There is a free parking lot beside the road.

【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第1456篇 -2019.11.18 ◆旅行影片:金瓜石報時山.六坑索道
   • 金瓜石報時山、六坑索道走訪「無言的山丘」賞芒祕境(Jinquashi Ba...  

★Tony的自然人文旅記第1465篇 -2019.12.09 ◆旅行影片:山尖古道(九份~金瓜石)
   • 山尖古道(九份~金瓜石)走訪水圳橋遺跡、淘金溪谷、石壁小徑  

★Tony的自然人文旅記第1169篇 -2015.11.09 水湳洞長仁山.無極索道賞秋芒

★Tony的自然人文旅記第1154篇 -2015.08.13 金瓜石.六坑斜坡索道.無極索道

★Tony的自然人文旅記第0754篇 -2010.02.09 1914年《金瓜石礦山寫真帖》裡的金瓜石舊影像

★更多Tony的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類):

【本次旅行GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip)


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